Battle Of The Builders: Divi Vs. Oxygen Vs. Bricks – Who Wins For You?

Edmark Gruezo Picture
Edmark Gruezo | April 3, 2023

In the ever-evolving world of web design, there’s always a new contender vying for the title of ‘best website builder.’ It’s an endless battle, with each platform offering unique features and capabilities that cater to different user needs.

Today, we’re diving into a heated clash between three popular site builders: Divi, Oxygen, and Bricks. We’ll compare their strengths and weaknesses, so you can determine which emerges as the victor in your quest for digital innovation.

You’ve got an innate thirst for cutting-edge tools that help you build websites with ease and efficiency. In this no-holds-barred showdown, we’ll examine the user experience, customization options, pricing structures, and more to see which champion will reign supreme in your arsenal of web design resources.

Who will come out on top—Divi’s dynamic versatility, Oxygen’s unparalleled flexibility, or Bricks’ fresh approach? Grab your popcorn, and let’s find out!


In today’s world of web design, choosing the right website builder can make all the difference. We’ll take a closer look at three popular options: Divi, Oxygen, and Bricks, to help you decide which one wins for you. These builders offer various support systems, customization options, and visual appeal to cater to different user preferences.

When it comes to usability testing and theme selection, each builder has its unique strengths and weaknesses. Divi is known for its extensive range of pre-built templates and user-friendly interface, while Oxygen offers an advanced level of control over every aspect of your site’s design. On the other hand, Bricks stands out with its lightning-fast performance and intuitive drag-and-drop editor.

As we dive deeper into these website builders’ features comparison in the next section, it’s essential to consider how their offerings align with your specific needs and goals.

Whether you value cutting-edge innovation or ease of use above all else, there’s a perfect solution among these powerful tools.

So let’s explore what sets them apart as we delve into their feature-by-feature breakdown.

Features Comparison

Now that we’ve set the stage for this epic battle of the builders let’s comprehensively compare their features.

Ultimately, your choice will hinge on which builder offers the functionality and flexibility that caters to your specific needs and preferences. So, buckle up as we explore the ins and outs of Divi, Oxygen, and Bricks to see how they stack up against one another.

First, let’s talk about everyone’s favorite feature: drag-and-drop capabilities. All three builders offer seamless drag-and-drop interfaces designed to make crafting stunning page layouts a breeze for users of all skill levels.

However, when it comes to code editing possibilities for those who crave more control over their projects, Oxygen takes the lead with its built-in CSS and JavaScript editor.

Divi is no slouch either – while it may lack a dedicated code editor like Oxygen’s, you can still add custom CSS within Divi modules or use a child theme for more extensive changes.

Customization options are crucial when selecting a page builder because they determine how much creative freedom you’ll have while designing your website. In this area, all contenders put up a fierce fight; however, each shines in different ways.

Bricks boast a modern user interface packed with customization features that cater to both beginners and experienced designers alike. Meanwhile, Oxygen’s appeal lies in its ability to create high-performance designs with minimal bloat – perfect for those obsessed with optimization.

As we leave our exploration of these builders’ features behind us, let’s transition into examining the unique benefits that Divi offers.

Benefits Of Divi

When it comes to ease of use, Divi truly shines in the website design process. The platform offers a wide variety of pre-built page layouts that cater to various industries and niches, making it easier than ever to create a stunning website without any coding knowledge.

One significant advantage of Divi is its impressive page speed performance. With this builder, you don’t have to worry about your site lagging in terms of loading times, ensuring your visitors enjoy a smooth browsing experience.

Furthermore, Divi boasts excellent plugin compatibility, allowing you to integrate your favorite tools and features into your site seamlessly.

As we explore the benefits of each builder, it’s clear that Divi has plenty to offer for those looking for an innovative approach to web design. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, this platform might be the perfect fit for your next project.

Now let’s delve into the advantages offered by Oxygen and see how it compares in our battle of the builders.

Benefits Of Oxygen

Picture this: you’re sipping your morning coffee, ready to dive into a world of endless possibilities with Oxygen. With its ease of use and quick setup, it’s no wonder that creative minds like yours are drawn to this powerful builder. It’s time to unleash your inner designer and watch your vision come to life on the screen.

Cost efficiency is music to everyone’s ears, and Oxygen strikes the perfect chord. Imagine having design flexibility at your fingertips without breaking the bank! This builder offers an array of customizing options, allowing you to create unique layouts that cater to your needs. The only limit is your imagination.

As we continue exploring the vast universe of website builders, Oxygen stands out as a shining star among competitors. Its user-friendly interface allows even the most technologically challenged individuals to create breathtaking websites easily.

Now that you’ve got a taste of what Oxygen has to offer let’s venture into the world of Bricks and uncover its hidden treasures.

Benefits Of Bricks

Delving deeper into the world of Bricks, one cannot help but appreciate its unique features that cater to the innovative desires of many users. Among these standout attributes lies an impressive array of design options and page layouts that allow for a highly customized experience.

  • Drag and drop functionality.
  • Code-free operation for seamless building
  • Mobile friendly interface
  • Adaptive designs for various devices

The absence of coding requirements in Bricks is a game changer, as it enables even those with no prior programming knowledge to create stunning websites. This code-free approach, combined with the intuitive drag-and-drop interface, ensures users can effortlessly achieve their desired results.

When considering which website builder to choose, remember the importance of mobile responsiveness. Bricks excel in this area by offering adaptive designs that automatically adjust to accommodate different device sizes and orientations. With a growing number of online visitors using mobile devices, selecting a builder that keeps your site looking sharp on every platform is crucial.

As we transition from discussing the benefits of Bricks as a website builder, let’s shift our focus toward user experience and how it factors into making the best decision for your website building needs.

User Experience

Imagine the thrill of effortlessly crafting your dream website, with every element fitting together harmoniously like pieces of a beautiful puzzle. That’s the promise of these three influential website builders – Divi, Oxygen, and Bricks – and their unique approach to user experience.

In this section, we’ll dive into how each builder satisfies our craving for innovation through their page design, navigation flow, and interface design.

Regarding page design and customization options, Divi boasts an extensive library of pre-built layouts and modules catering to a wide array of creative needs.

On the other hand, Oxygen offers a clean slate for designers who prefer total control over their creations while providing an intuitive drag-and-drop interface.

Bricks step up the game with its live editing feature that allows you to see real-time changes on your website without toggling between editor and preview mode.

Beyond aesthetics, navigation flow and mobile optimization are crucial in determining which builder comes out on top in terms of user experience. Divi provides easy-to-use tools for creating smooth-scrolling websites with seamless transitions between sections.

Oxygen shines in its responsive design capabilities that ensure optimal performance across devices. Bricks take pride in offering a genuinely device-agnostic approach by allowing users to customize breakpoints for different screen sizes.

As we’ve explored the different aspects of user experience offered by Divi, Oxygen, and Bricks builders, it’s clear that each has its strengths in various areas, such as page design, navigation flow, interface design, customization options, and mobile optimization. When building your dream website, the ultimate winner depends solely on your personal preferences and priorities.

With this information at hand, let’s transition into examining a critical deciding factor: pricing analysis.

Pricing Analysis

Let’s dive into the cost comparison and value assessment of Divi, Oxygen, and Bricks to determine which builder is the winner for you. Who will come out on top in this battle of the builders?

Cost Comparison

Imagine you’re in a room full of web design enthusiasts, passionately discussing the best way to achieve cost savings, scalability, and ROI.

You’ve got Divi fans on one side, Oxygen aficionados on the other, and Bricks supporters sprinkled throughout.

As you listen to each camp’s arguments, it becomes clear that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for pricing analysis.

With Divi’s lifetime access offering long-term value, Oxygen’s modular approach ensuring adaptability and growth potential, and Bricks’ competitive pricing structure appealing to budget-conscious creators, it’s evident that the ultimate winner boils down to your unique needs and priorities as a web builder.

So go ahead – take the plunge into these dynamic website-building platforms and unleash your creativity!

Value Assessment

Now that you’ve got a grip on the pricing side of things, it’s time to dive into value assessment – where the real battle begins between Divi, Oxygen, and Bricks.

The key factors to weigh in this thrilling face-off include customization options, performance evaluation, and the installation process.

You oughta ask yourself: which platform lets you flex your creative muscles without constraints?

How do they measure up when it comes to site speed and optimization?

And let’s not forget about setting up – is it a walk in the park or a labyrinthine nightmare?

By scrutinizing these aspects under the innovative lens you so crave, you’ll be able to crown the champion that best caters to your needs and aspirations as a web designer.

So gear up for this exhilarating showdown – may the best builder win!


Now that we’ve compared the pricing models of Divi, Oxygen, and Bricks, let’s dive into another critical aspect: integrations. A builder’s ability to work seamlessly with plugins and other tools is essential for creating a robust website that meets your needs. In this section, we’ll explore how each builder fares in terms of plugin compatibility, design flexibility, layout control, installation process, and theme compatibility.

Divi Page Builder

  • Plugin Compatibility: Divi boasts an extensive range of built-in integrations with popular third-party plugins and tools. However, some users may experience occasional compatibility issues.
  • Design Flexibility: With its massive library of pre-designed layouts and modules, Divi allows you to create unique websites easily.
  • Layout Control: The visual drag-and-drop interface controls every aspect of your site’s layout.
  • Installation Process: Installing Divi is a breeze – upload the theme file to your WordPress dashboard and follow the prompts.
  • Theme Compatibility: As a comprehensive theme-builder combo, Divi doesn’t require additional themes to function. However, this may limit your ability to use other themes alongside it.

Oxygen Page Builder

  • Plugin Compatibility: Oxygen prides itself on working well with the most popular WordPress plugins without conflicts or issues.
  • Design Flexibility: With a blank canvas approach and numerous pre-built components at your disposal, Oxygen enables you to create fully custom designs from scratch.
  • Layout Control: Enjoy granular layout control through CSS grid support and flexbox options within the builder interface.
  • Installation Process: Oxygen requires a slightly more involved installation process involving uploading PHP files via FTP or using the provided installer plugin.
  • Theme Compatibility: As a standalone site builder plugin rather than a theme-builder combo like Divi, Oxygen can work alongside your existing WordPress themes.

Bricks Page Builder

  • Plugin Compatibility: Bricks supports the most popular WordPress plugins but may require manual adjustments for full compatibility.
  • Design Flexibility: With its modular approach to design, Bricks enables you to create customized layouts using a variety of pre-built elements.
  • Layout Control: The intuitive visual builder interface provides easy-to-use layout control options.
  • Installation Process: Similar to Divi, Bricks has a straightforward installation process via your WordPress dashboard.
  • Theme Compatibility: As it functions as both a theme and builder, Bricks doesn’t require additional themes. However, it can integrate with other themes if needed.

Each builder has its strengths and weaknesses in terms of integrations. These factors will help you determine which best aligns with your requirements.

Up next, let’s examine the support systems offered by Divi, Oxygen, and Bricks to ensure you have the assistance you need throughout your website-building journey.

Support System

Don’t you hate it when you’re stuck with a technical issue and can’t find the right help? A robust support system is crucial for any website builder, and Divi, Oxygen, and Bricks each offer their unique approach to keeping users satisfied.

Let’s dive into how each tackles customer service, user feedback, tech support, bug fixes, and help guides.

Divi boasts a well-organized customer service system that quickly responds to user queries. Their tech support team is available around the clock, ensuring your issues are resolved quickly.

Meanwhile, Oxygen offers an extensive library of help guides and resources in addition to their responsive support team. This vast knowledge base empowers users to solve problems independently or seek assistance when needed.

Bricks stand out by prioritizing user feedback in their development process. The team behind this builder actively encourages users to report bugs and suggest improvements, leading to timely bug fixes and updates based on user needs.

With such an engaged community driving its development forward, Bricks exhibits a strong commitment to innovation.

As we continue our exploration of these website builders, let’s now turn our attention to some recommendations that will help you make an informed decision about which one is right for you.


In the quest to find the best website builder for your needs, it’s essential to consider what truly matters to you. The perfect choice ultimately depends on your preferences, goals, and requirements. So let’s dive into some recommendations that can help guide your decision-making process.

When it comes to accessibility, scalability, and customizability, each builder has its unique strengths and weaknesses. Oxygen is known for its clean code output and extensive control over site elements, while Divi offers an intuitive interface with a vast library of pre-built designs. Bricks come equipped with a lightweight framework that prioritizes performance without sacrificing usability. Weighing these factors can lead you down the path of selecting the most suitable builder for your project.

  • Accessibility: Consider how easy it is to use and learn each builder.
  • Scalability: Determine if the builder can grow alongside your business or project.
  • Customizability: Evaluate how much freedom you have in designing your website.

As you delve deeper into exploring these website builders, remember there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Prioritize usability and workflow efficiency to make the most of whichever platform you choose.

By assessing which builder aligns with your needs and aspirations, you’ll undoubtedly unlock new avenues for creativity and innovation – launching yourself toward digital success.


In conclusion, each of these website builders has unique features and benefits.

I find Divi to be a versatile and user-friendly option for those new to web design or want an easy-to-use builder with countless customization options.

Oxygen, on the other hand, offers a more advanced toolset for developers and professionals looking for granular control over their designs.

As for Bricks seems like a great choice if you’re after a lightweight and performance-focused builder with an intuitive interface.

Ultimately, the decision boils down to your specific needs and preferences as a designer or developer. Consider your experience level, budget constraints, and desired integrations before making a final decision.

So, who wins the battle of the builders? It’s really up to you!

Carefully weigh the pros and cons of Divi, Oxygen, and Bricks to determine which aligns best with your goals and requirements.

Whichever builder you choose, remember that having the right tools at your disposal is crucial for creating stunning websites that stand out in today’s competitive online landscape.